чсн йшеч - DVD змч 2 - мрши вшйп
Green Magic - Lennart Green Part 2 (DVD)

йщ доеп од мдвйг тм марши вшйп дваеп абм аемй лгай щфщеи ъчре аъ дсгшд еъбйре тм од огебш. дсбшйн бшешйн еогейчйн, чсойн щоецвйн бцешд лебщъ еогдйод-йлемеъ баоъ ргйшеъ. ъщаме чесойн щобйрйн дан лгай мчреъ аъ сгшъ дчмиеъ щм вшйп ершад од дн йвйге.... бсгшд змчйн 1-3,лшвт рйъп мчреъ бDVD шч аъ дзмч дщрй! фешои DVD.
  • The Poker Deal - From a shuffled deck, Lennart deals five killer poker hands~ two full houses, four-of-a-kind, a straight flush and a royal flush! This effect is easy to learn.
  • The Temple of Shiva - A magical and mystical routine painted against the backdrop of a spectator's life, dreams and future. A true showpiece of magic. As the story unfolds, te shuffled deck magically separates in an amazing order, telling the spectator's fortune!
  • Deceptive Perception featuring The Mirror Count - No matter which card a spectator selects, it is always the odd card! Very magical and inherently humorous. The Mirror Count is an invaluable utility move.
  • The One-Two Separation - From an audience-shuffled deck, Lennart magically separates the cards into reds and blacks, incredibly isolating a thought-of card several times along the way.
  • False Angle Riffle Shuffle - One of the most deceptive false shuffles ever!

* щйоп мб! лм сший д-DVD, ддсбшйн доцешфйн мчсойн едсфшйн дролшйн баъш щфп дн барвмйъ, ама ан цеййп бофешщ азшъ.

жоп асфчд : 7-14 йой тбегд

озйш швйм : 265 щ"з
озйш обцт : 210 щ"з
дзслеп щмк : 55 щ""з (21%)

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